CANCELLED – Policies vs. Politics: Rethinking regional institutions in Central America

Latin America Colloquium (ONLINE) with Johnathan Ordonez Gaitan, Keiser University, Carazo, Nicaragua

Das Kolloquium wurde ABGESAGT / The colloquium has been CANCELLED

Zentralamerika befindet sich in einer schweren institutionellen Krise, die die demokratische Regierungsführung untergräbt, den sozialen Fortschritt behindert und die Ungleichheit in der Region verschärft. Dieses Kolloquium analysiert die wichtigsten Herausforderungen, Ursachen und möglichen Lösungen .

Central America faces a significant institutional crisis that undermines democratic governance, hampers social progress, and exacerbates inequality within the region. One the one hand, political institutions at the regional level (e.g., the Central American Integration System) have failed to address regional problems like migrations, climate change, or inequalities. On the other hand, at the national level the inadequate representation of marginalized groups, such as indigenous communities, women, and Afro-descendants, perpetuates systemic discrimination, undermines social cohesion, and obstructs the implementation of inclusive policies. This colloquium aims to identify the key challenges, causes, and potential solutions to foster greater representation and to strengthen regional institutions in Central America.

There are several factors that could account for the crisis of political and social representation in the region. First, there are historical and structural factors. Deep-rooted historical injustices that started from the colonial era, including colonization, slavery, and ethnic discrimination, have shaped power structures that perpetuate the exclusion of marginalized groups in Central America. Moreover, even in the 21st century, some structural barriers such as limited access to education, economic disparities, and discriminatory cultural norms further hinder representation. Second, there are weak institutional framework that have been overlooked for the last couple of decades. These include inadequate legal frameworks, ineffective electoral systems, and limited enforcement of existing laws contribute to the representation crisis. Accordingly, political parties often lack internal mechanisms to promote diversity and inclusion, further marginalizing underrepresented groups.

As possible solutions for this problem, strengthening Civil Society and advocacy at the regional level is key to overcome this crisis. Grassroots organizations, civil society initiatives, and advocacy campaigns can raise awareness about the importance of representation and empower marginalized communities to demand their rights and inclusion in political processes. Moreover, developing comprehensive political education programs can equip marginalized communities with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to engage effectively in political processes. Capacity-building initiatives should focus on leadership development, political participation, and advocacy strategies. Finally, governments must prioritize the development and implementation of inclusive policies that address the specific needs of marginalized communities. This includes programs to reduce poverty, improve access to education and healthcare, and promote economic empowerment.


Meeting-ID: 680 6418 7016
Kenncode: 345157

Kategorie: Lateinamerika-Kolloquium
Datum: 29. November 2023, 18:00–19:30
Ort: ONLINE via Zoom