Don’t Waste the Crisis: Implications of the COVID Anthropause for human-environment relations

IPW Lecture Series: Solidarity in Times of a Pandemic - Insights from a large-scale qualitative research project in Europe and Latin America

Speakers: Amelia Fiske (Institute of History and Ethics in Medicine, Technical University of Munich, SolPan Germany) and Consuelo Fernández-Salvador (Universidad San Francisco de Quito, SolPan+ Ecuador)
Moderation: Isabella Radhuber (SolPan+ Latin America lead)
Kommentar: Marie Jasser

Format: Online
Meeting ID: 685 9777 3257
Passcode: 644805

A joint initiative of the Areas International Politics and Comparative Policy Analysis, as well as the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity (CeSCoS) and the Research Network Latin America, curated by Dr Isabella M. Radhuber and Dr Katharina Kieslich.

The curators of this lecture series are part of the founding team of a collaborative, qualitative, cross-country comparative research project that spans across 10 European and 12 Latin American countries. With hundreds of in-depth interviews during the height of the pandemic in both regions, the aim of the project has been to find out how people (re)act in and to the COVID-19 pandemic: How did their everyday life change, what were their day-to-day challenges, and where did they find support? What role did social, civil society and political communities, networks and institutions play in people’s network of support? This Lecture Series aims to present the findings and implications of our SolPan(+) projects, and to foster an exchange with colleagues who share similar research interests and expertise. 


Kategorie: Veranstaltungen
Datum: 20. März 2023, 17:00–18:30
Ort: Universität Wien, Institut für Politikwissenschaft