Decolonizing Space: Connecting Racialized Territories in the Americas

IPW-Lecture by Sofia Zaragocin Carvajal, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Paul Lazarsfeld Visiting Professor at the Research Network Latin America

Moderation: Isabella Radhuber, Research Network Latin America, University of Vienna

The lecture will be ON-SITE (address below) and ONLINE (Zoom-link below)

This lecture will explore a hemispheric approach to relational place-making between Indigenous, Black and Latinx relations across the Americas. The hemispheric offers an alternative geographical spatial imaginary where different forms of resistance to colonial spatial formations are possible.Specifically, I look at the common territorial struggles made explicit by the embodiment of territory such as cuerpo-territorio (body-territory) methodologies developed by feminist geography and antiracist collectives in Latin America. By looking at the connection between cuerpo-territorio and structural racism and in particular environmental racism, I will draw out anti-racist relational place-making between Indigenous, Black and Latinx perspectives along the Americas.

Sofia Zaragocin, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the International Relations Department of Universidad San Francisco de Quito and a Paul Lazarsfeld Visiting Professor at the Research Network Latin America, Faculty of Social Sciences / University of Vienna. Her research interests are on multiple situated methodologies and methods from a decolonial perspective. She has written on social cartography methodologies that center the body and affect, as well as decolonial oral history methods. She is currently working on a hemispheric study on the relationship between oral history and social cartography from decolonial perspectives. She is also part of the Critical Geography Collective of Ecuador, an autonomous interdisciplinary group that seeks decolonial territorial resistance through a wide range of socio- spatial geographical methodologies and Re-existencias Cimarrunas, a collective which seeks transnational anti-racist praxis.

Isabella M. Radhuber holds a PhD in Political Science and is postdoctoral researcher at the Research Network Latin America (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna). Previously, she was Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge and Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research focusses on resource politics, broader questions of democratization and recently the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America and Europe.

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Meeting-ID: 651 7020 9960
Kenncode: 491256

The ipw-lecture is organized by the Research Network Latin America

Kategorie: Veranstaltungen
Datum: 21. Juni 2022, 17:00–18:30
Ort: Conference room of the Department of Political Science, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 1010 Vienna, 2nd Floor