Unconditional basic income for citizens in Brazil
Latin America Colloquium (online) with Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy, Brasil
Moderation / Comment: Ursula Prutsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
„Throughout history, universal and unconditional basic income has been well defended by famous thinkers such as Thomas More, Celso Furtado, Josué de Castro, Philippe Van Parijs and so many other economic and social ethicists. As I have already highlighted in my dialogue with President Lula, Pope Francis also recommends universal basic income in the latest version of his book „Let Us Dream (Dare to Dream)“. Fortunately, President Lula is committed to introducing Basic Income in accordance with the decision of the Brazilian Federal Court, which stipulates that Federal Law No. 10.835/2004 should be implemented. Our presentation addresses the question of whether and to what extent basic income can be considered as one of the most effective economic policy instruments for building an equal society?“(Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy)
Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy is a Brazilian left-wing politician, economist and professor. He is one of the founders and main political figures on the Workers Party of Brazil (PT). In the municipal elections of São Paulo in 2016 was consecrated as the most voted city councilor in the history of Brazil.
Ursula Prutsch is Associate Professor for North American Cultural History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Munich. She teaches US-American as well as Latin American history. Her research focuses on the history of the United States, Brazil and Argentina from the 19th to the 21st century, on nation-building, populism, on Inter-American as well as transatlantic relations. She is member of the Latin America Institute and chairman of Lateinamerikaforschung Austria (LAF).
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Datum: 21. January 2023, 14:00–16:00