Pluralismo Jurídico en el Estado Pluri-Uninacional de Ecuador: realidades y desafíos

Pluralismo Jurídico en el Estado Pluri-Uninacional de Ecuador: realidades y desafíos
Legal Pluralism in the Pluri-Uninational State of Ecuador: realities and challenges

Mit Verónica Yuquilema Yupangui, indigene Juristin aus Ecuador und Jeremy Webber, prominenter kanadischer Rechtsprofessor, Experte für Verfassungsrecht und Rechte indigener Völker.
Moderation: René Kuppe, Institut für Rechtsphilosophie 

Ausgehend von der genaueren Darstellung der Situation in Ecuador werden die Erfahrungen mit nicht staatlicher indigener Rechtsprechung in Lateinamerika und in Nordamerika kritisch mit Bezugnahme auf Demokratie und Menschenrechte verglichen.

El objetivo de esta presentación es dar a conocer un escenario general del pluralismo jurídico en el marco constitucional y social ecuatoriano, así como también visibilizar la realidad de confrontación con el Estado pero también de fortalecimiento y desafíos que vivencian las comunidades, especialmente indígenas.

The objective of this presentation is to give a general perspective of the legal pluralism in the Equadorian constitutional and social framework, as well as to make visible the reality of confrontation with the State but also of strengthening and challenges experienced by communities, especially indigenous.
Jeremy Webber
, University of Victoria: Legal Pluralism from a Canadian Perspective.
The commitment in the Ecuadorian constitution to a plurinational state is an intriguing and important one. Canada too is engaged in a process of Indigenous/non-Indigenous reconciliation. The conversation with Verónica Yuquilema Yupangui will be a valuable opportunity to learn firsthand and to compare whether and how that commitment is being implemented in both countries.Vortrag und Dialog finden auf Spanisch und Englisch statt, Verständnis- und Diskussionsfragen können aber gerne auf Deutsch gestellt und übersetzt werden.


Biografien / Biografias:

Verónica Yuquilema Yupangui es de la nacionalidad Kichwa Puruwá de Ecuador. Doctoranda del Programa en “Pós-Colonialismos e Cidadania Global”, en el Centro de Estudios Sociales CES y la Universidad de Coimbra en Portugal. Su proyecto doctoral es sobre Plurinacionalidad y Justicia Kichwa en Ecuador. Ha trabajado como abogada de derechos humanos y también como académica en temáticas relacionadas al pluralismo jurídico, derecho runa (indígena), derechos colectivos y epistemología kichwa.

Verónica Yuquilema Yupangui is Kichwa Puruwa of Ecuador. She is a doctoral student in “Pós-Colonialismos e Cidadania Global”, in the Center for Social Studies CES and in the University of Coimbra in Portugal.  Her doctoral project is about Plurinacionality and Kichwa Justice in Ecuador. She has worked as human rights lawyer and also as an academic in subject related to legal pluralismo, runa law (indigenous law), collective rights and epistemology kichwa. From Feb. 2019 to Oct. 2010 Verónica is Resaearch Fellow at the Institute for Legal Philosophy of the University of Vienna.

Jeremy Webber is Professor of Law at the University of Victoria, Canada. He has written widely in the areas of constitutional law, Indigenous rights, federalism, cultural diversity, and constitutional theory and legal pluralism. One of his most important books is: Recognition versus Self-Determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics (2014). He was consultant of the (Canadian) Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples und Director of the “Consortium on Democratic Constitutionalism”

Kategorie: Latin America Colloquium
Datum: 1. April 2019, 17:00–19:00
Ort: Universität Wien, Institut für Politikwissenschaft