Dr. Valerie Lenikus, BA BA MA

Senior Scientist (non-tenured)

Research focus

Political ecology, (neo-) extractivism, agrarian extractivism, resource and environmental politics, social-ecological conflicts

Regional focus

Latin America


Historical material policy analysis and climate change policies. In: Garcia, A., Scherrer, C., Wullweber, J. (Hg.). Handbook on Critical Political Economy and Public Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, 110-126 (with Etienne Schneider, Alina Brad, Ulrich Brand, Mathias Krams) ISBN: 978 1 80037 377 8

„Wir weigern uns in Angst zu leben“. Ecuador zwischen Gewaltwellen, Präsidentschaftswahlen und dem Schutz des Amazonas-Regenwaldes. In: Mosaik Blogbeitrag, 25.08.2023 (with Tamara Artacker)


Historisch-materialistische Policy-Analyse. In: Gottschlich, D. et al. (eds.): Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. transcript (with Ulrich Brand, Mathias Krams, Etienne Schneider)


Contours of Historical-Materialist Policy Analysis. Critical Policy Studies16(3), 279–296. (with Ulrich Brand, Mathias Krams, Etienne Schneider) https://doi.org/10.1080/19460171.2021.1947864

Extraktivismus, linke Regierungspolitiken und öko-territoriale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika (Rezensionsaufsatz). Das Argument, 337, 200–209. (with Anna Preiser and Marcela Torres Heredia)

Wahl in Ecuador: Weiter nach rechts? In: Der Standard Politikwissenschaftsblog (with Tamara Artacker and Esteban Daza)


The false promise on certification. How certification is hindering sustainability in the textile, palm oil and fisheries industries. Changing Markets Foundation: o.O.(with Alina Brad, Alice Delemare, Natasha Hurley, Rachel Mulrenan, Noemi Nemes, Urska Trunk and Nusa Urbancic)

since 2024

Senior Scientist (substitute)


Dr. phil (PhD) in Political Science (with extinction), University of Vienna


DOC-team research fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), project title: „The Socio-Ecological Crisis Up Close: Conflicts, Experiences and Alternatives in the Andean-Amazon Region“


Visiting research student at UASB, Quito


Visiting research student at Universidad Nur and Universidad Autónoma „Gabriel René Moreno“, Santa Cruz de la Sierra


Visiting research student at UASB, Quito


Visiting Researcher at UASB (Área de Estudios Sociales y Globales), Quito


Master of Arts in Political Science (with distinction), University of Vienna


Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (with distinction), University of Vienna


Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature, University of Vienna


Lateinamerikaforschung Austria (LAF)

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW)

T +43 (01) 4277– 49491
E valerie.lenikus@univie.ac.at
Zimmer D0216