Futures of work. Latin America between technological innovation and crisis
IPW-Lecture by Juan Grigera, King´s College/Paul Lazarsfeld Professorship at the Research Network Latin America/University of Vienna
Moderation: Tobias Boos (ipw, Universität Wien)
The lecture will analyse critically the discussion of the different trends that will determine the future of work in Latin America; it reviews the hypothesis that places the impact of technological change at the center of the explanation of changes in the future of work. It will also discuss the studies on the potential impact of these technological transformations on the world of labor, in terms of employment levels, the quality of work, as well as the dimensions of control and labor discipline. After criticising the conclusions and placing them in context it will attempt an explanation of their importance as ‚myths‘.
Juan Grigera: PhD in History/Political Economy, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Paul Lazarsfeld Visiting Professor in the Research Field of International Politics/Research Network Latin America, University of Vienna; Lecturer in the Political Economy of Development, King’s College London; Honorary Research Associate at the UCL Institute of Americas
Research Interests:
Structural change brought by deindustrialisation, particularly including premature deindustrialisation and novel forms of automation; Social conflict and its socioeconomic impact; BigData, Artificial Intelligence and digital methods in the social sciences
Datum: 27. October 2021, 17:00–18:30
Ort: Universität Wien, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Hörsaal 1 (H1), NIG 2.Stock (hybrid) , Zoom-Meeting