Cruz Perez Itzel Ethelvina, PhD

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Senior Research Fellow im Bereich Internationale Politik / Forschungsverbund Lateinamerika, Feb 2022 - Dez 2023

Cruz Perez Itzel Ethelvina is a Senior Research Fellow during summer and winter term 2022 at the Faculty of Social Sciences / Department of Political Science at the University of Vienna in the area of International Politics / Research Network Latin America.

PHD in political marketing, actors and institutions of contemporary societies, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2021)
Master in International Studies, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (2015)
Bachelor in Political Science, Autonomous University of the State of Mecico (2013)

Research focus:
Electoral and party systems, migration, European Union

Kategorie: Gastwissenschafter*innen
Datum: 1. February 2022 – 31. December 2023
Ort: Universität Wien